

The Foundation awards are dedicated to Francisco Amorós y Ondeano, Marqués de Sotelo; a military and pedagogue Valencian born in 1770. Because of his ideas he had to go into exile in France in 1813. Throughout his life, both in Spain and France, he promoted gymnastics through publications such as Manuel d’éducation physique, gymnastique et morale and through the direction of institutions such as the Real Instituto Militar Pestalozziano in Madrid and the Gymnase Normal Militaire et Civil in Paris. He generated his own gymnastic method of pedagogical, therapeutic, rehabilitative and military application. He is considered the father of modern physical education in Spain and France, matter that ascended to the category of science. He died in Paris in 1848, leaving a legacy that still survives.

If you want to go deeper into this character you can read this monograph.

The aims of the Foundation could not materialize without the ingenuity and intelligence that Francisco Amorós had in our scientific field. We can think of no better way to remember and pay tribute to his memory than putting the name of Amorós to the Foundation’s awards.

The award ceremony will be free. Those who wish to attend must request it by email to the secretario@fundacioninvestigaciondeportiva.org. The capacity is limited, so it will be attended by strict order of entry of the applicants.


The eighth call for the Amorós 2025 Awards of the Fundación de Investigación en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte is open.

In this edition, the years will be accepted in the modalities and categories in which no prizes have been awarded in previous calls.

In this edition the call is open to three geographical areas, the european, the iberoamerican and the national.


In the Amorós Awards European 2025, the categories in which you can enter are: Article, Doctoral thesis, Master’s thesis and Final degree work.

There is an endowment of more than 25,000 euros in prizes.

In order to be able to finance these prizes, we need a small donation in concept of inscription. The table below shows the amount of the donation in each category.

Amount of the donation
Final degree work140 euros
Article200 euros
Master's thesis230 euros
Doctoral thesis260 euros


In the Amorós Awards Ibero-American 2025, the categories in which you can enter are: Article, Doctoral thesis, Master’s thesis and Final degree work.

There is an endowment of more than 6,000 euros in prizes.

In order to be able to finance these prizes, we need a small donation in concept of inscription. The table below shows the amount of the donation in each category.

Amount of the donation
Final degree work35 euros
Article50 euros
Master's thesis58 euros
Doctoral thesis65 euros


At the Amorós Awards National 2025, the categories in which you can enter are: Article, Doctoral thesis, Master’s thesis and Final degree work.

There is an endowment of more than 12,000 euros in prizes.

In order to be able to finance these prizes, we need a small donation in concept of inscription.

Remember, if you file your income tax return in Spain and you are a private individual, the initial amount of the donation of less than 250 euros that you make must be deducted, that is to say, 80%, resulting in a more affordable final amount. For example, in an final degree work project whose initial donation amount is 70 euros, we see in the table that its real cost is only 14 euros.

Initial donation amountDeduction 80%*Real cost
Final degree work70 euros56 euros14 euros
Article100 euros80 euros20 euros
Master's thesis115 euros92 euros23 euros
Doctoral thesis130 euros104 euros26 euros

* In order to receive this refund from Hacienda you need to make of the income tax declaration in Spain. If you have any questions about
the legislation of donations to our Foundation you can 
consult the Donations tab or write us an email.

You will get all the information you need to participate in the Amorós Awards website. We await your investigations.

The winners of the Amorós Awards will be chosen by this Scientific Committee, made up of doctors who research or teach in the field of Sciences Physical Activity and Sport.


  • Bronze bust of Amorós