- Bronze bust of Amorós
- Exhibition of Colegio Estudiantes at the Amorós Awards 2022
- Rhythmic gymnastics cartwheel
- Flexibility exercise
- Rhythmic gymnastics team demostration
- Acrobatic figure at the Amorós Awards 2022
- Daniel García Ortiz, secretary of the Foundation, presenting the delivery of the Amorós Awards 2022
- Miguel Garrido Romanos interpreting a composition
- Álvaro Calvo Sanz receiving the 3rd Amorós Prize 2022, in the Final Degree Work category
- Álvaro Calvo Sanz thanking the prize
- Inés Rodríguez Navia-Oliva collecting the 2nd Amorós Prize 2022, in the Final Degree Work category
- Inés Rodríguez Navia-Oliva explaining the prizewinning work
- Tomás Muñoz Greiz collecting the 1st Amorós Prize 2022, in the Final Degree Work category, from hands Vicente Gómez Encinas godfather of the ceremony
- Tomás Muñoz Greiz thanking the prize
- Speech by Vicente Gómez Encinas godfather of the act
- Tomás Muñoz Greiz, 1st Amorós Prize 2022, in the Final Degree Work category
- Inés Rodríguez Navia-Oliva, 2nd Amorós Prize 2022, in the Final Degree Work category
- Álvaro Calvo Sanz, 3rd Amorós Prize 2022, in the Final Degree Work category
- Awarded of the Amorós Awards 2022
- Awarded of the Amorós Awards 2022 with their godfather
- Bronze bust of Amorós
- Daniel Ortiz García, secretary of the Foundation, presenting the delivery of the Amorós Awards 2021
- Miguel Garrido Romanos interpreting a composition
- Virginia Gómez Barrios receiving the 3rd Amorós Prize 2021, in the Master’s Thesis category
- Virginia Gómez Barrios thanking the prize
- Clara Gallego Cerveró collecting the 2nd Amorós Prize 2021, in the Master’s Thesis category
- Clara Gallego Cerveró explaining the prizewinning work
- Ignacio Catalá Vilaplana collecting the 1st Amorós Prize 2021, in the Master’s Thesis category, from hands Núria Mendoza Laiz godmother of the ceremony
- Ignacio Catalá Vilaplana thanking the prize
- Speech by Núria Mendoza Laiz godmother of the act
- Ignacio Catalá Vilaplana, 1st Amorós Prize 2021, in the Master’s Thesis category
- Clara Gallego Cerveró, 2nd Amorós Prize 2021, in the Master’s Thesis category
- Virginia Gómez Barrios, 3rd Amorós Prize 2021, in the Master’s Thesis category
- Núria Mendoza Laiz godmother of the ceremony
- Awarded of the Amorós Awards 2021
- Awarded of the Amorós Awards 2021 with their godmother
- Bronze bust of Amorós
- Fernando Naclerio Ayllón, godfather the delivery of the Amorós Awards 2020
- Teresa Ontañón Barragán, 3rd Amorós Prize 2020, in the Iberoamerican Article category
- Diego Fernández Lázaro, 2nd Amorós Prize 2020, in the Iberoamerican Article category
- David Parra Camacho, 1st Amorós Prize 2020, in the Iberoamerican Article category, on behalf of Manuel Alonso dos Santos
- Bronze bust of Amorós
- Club Andraga exhibition at the Amorós Awards 2019
- Acrobatic gymnastics show
- Mortal invested in front of the bust of José María Cagigal
- Acrobatic figure at the Amorós Awards 2019
- Acrobatic pyramid at the Amorós Awards 2019
- Celebration of the delivery of the Amorós Awards 2019
- Daniel García Ortiz, secretary of the Foundation, presenting the delivery of the Amorós Awards 2019
- Miguel Garrido Romanos interpreting a composition
- Luis A. Berlanga de la Pascua receiving the 3rd Amorós Prize 2019, in the Iberoamerican Article category
- Luis A. Berlanga de la Pascua thanking the prize
- Ferran Calabuig Moreno collecting the 2nd Amorós Prize 2019, in the Iberoamerican Article category, on behalf of Manuel Alonso dos Santos
- Ferran Calabuig Moreno explaining the prizewinning article
- Vicenç Hernández González collecting the 1st Amorós Prize 2019, in the Iberoamerican Article category, from hands Benito Pérez González godfather of the ceremony
- Attendees at the ceremony of delivery of the Amorós Awards 2019
- Vicenç Hernández González thanking the prize
- Vicenç Hernández González, 1st Amorós Prize 2019, in the Iberoamerican Article category
- 2018 Amorós Awards Ceremony
- Bronze bust of Amorós
- Jorge Baro Zamorano, 3rd. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category
- José Antonio Gordón Cruz, 2nd. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category
- María Paula de Haro, 1st. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category
- María Paula de Haro, 1st. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category
- María Paula de Haro, 1st. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category, with the Amorós bust
- María Paula de Haro, 1st. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category, with the Amorós bust
- Awarded in the Amorós Awards 2018, in the Final Degree Work category
- Awarded in the Amorós Awards 2018, in the Final Degree Work category
- Awarded in the Amorós Awards 2018, in the Final Degree Work category
- Jorge Baro Zamorano, 3rd. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category
- José Antonio Gordón Cruz, 2º Premio Amorós 2018, en la categoría Trabajo fin de grado
- María Paula de Haro, 1st. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category, with the Amorós bust
- María Paula de Haro, 1st. Amorós Award 2018, in the Final Degree Work category, with the Amorós bust
- José Antonio Gordón Cruz, ganador del Bono de nuestro Colaborador Oficial Aqua Club Termal
- José Antonio Gordón Cruz, winner of the Bonus of our Official Collaborator Aqua Club Termal
- Bronze bust of Amorós
- Exhibition of Colegio Estudiantes at the Amorós Awards 2023
- Kung Fu open hand striking technique
- Exercise with canes
- Exercise with long stick
- Kung Fu of Dragon at the Amorós Awards 2023
- Daniel García Ortiz, secretary of the Foundation, presenting the delivery of the Amorós Awards 2023
- Miguel Garrido Romanos interpreting a composition
- Óscar Garrido Rodríguez receiving the 3rd Amorós Prize 2023, in the Final Degree Work category
- Óscar Garrido Rodríguez thanking the prize
- Alba Tejada González collecting the 2nd Amorós Prize 2023, in the Final Degree Work category
- Alba Tejada González explaining the prizewinning work
- Gema Santamaría Gómez collecting the 1st Amorós Prize 2023, in the Final Degree Work category, from hands José Miguel García García president of the Foundation
- Gema Santamaría Gómez thanking the prize
- Gema Santamaría Gómez, 1st Amorós Prize 2023, in the Final Degree Work category
- Alba Tejada González, 2nd Amorós Prize 2023, in the Final Degree Work category
- Óscar Garrido Rodríguez, 3rd Amorós Prize 2023, in the Final Degree Work category
- Awarded of the Amorós Awards 2023
- Elena Ramírez Rico during the conference
- Virginia Gómez Barrios during his explanation
- Ricardo Andre Birrento Aguiar exposing his work
- David Funes Pol starting your exhibition
- Diego Garrido Moreno developing your communication
- Listeners in the communication of Elena Pérez Calzado
- Adrián Martín Castellanos during the presentation
- Ángel Lino Samaniego developing your exhibition
- Claudia Portillo Martín during her work
- Pedro Guillén García during the conference
- Israel Villarrasa Sapiña, 1st prize for the best oral communication
- Virginia Gómez Barrios, 2nd prize for the best oral communication
- Ángel Plana and Estefanía Martínez during the conference
- José Gabriel Fernández Fernández during his explanation
- Tomás Arroba Jaroso exposing his work
- Lamberto Villalón Gasch starting your exhibition
- José Gabriel Fernández Fernández developing your communication
- Listeners in the communication of Tomás Arroba Jaroso
- Juan del Coso Garrigós during the presentation
- Sonia Liñares Carmona, 1st prize for the best oral communication
- Virginia Gómez Barrios, 2nd prize for the best oral communication
- Laura Martín Talavera during her explanation
- Mónica Castellanos Montealegre exhibiting her work
- Ignacio Ballester Esteve starting his lecture
- Hernán Darío Restrepo Ospina developing his communication
- Listeners in the communication of Laura Martín Talavera
- Hernán Darío Restrepo Ospina finishing his summary
- Ignacio Ballester Esteve during his explanation
- Nicolás Bores Calle explaining his communication
- Laura Laguna Elena presenting her summary
- Attendees at the communication by Nicolás Bores Calle
- Hernán Darío Restrepo Ospina, 1st prize for best oral presentation
- Marta Cárdenas Martínez, 2nd prize for the best oral communication.
- Hernán Darío Restrepo Ospina thanking the first prize for the best oral communication.
- Marta Cárdenas Martínez thanking the second prize for the best oral communication.
- Awarded for the best oral communication
- Victor Paredes Hernández during the conference
- Virginia Gómez Barrios during his explanation
- Laura Gil Caselles exposing his work
- Esther Sánchez Ribes starting your exhibition
- Irene Pérez Domingo developing your communication
- Communication of Ricardo Andre Birrento Aguiar
- Celia Rodríguez Longobardo during your communication
- Margarita Riera Avilés developing your exhibition
- Roberto Mellado Rubio during your work
- Helios Pareja Galeano during the presentation
- Marcos Asensio Hernández, 1st prize for the best oral communication
- Laura Gil Caselles, 2nd prize for the best oral communication